Training & Behavior

Should You Wake Your Puppy Up To Pee At Night?

Daytime potty training is not too difficult. When a puppy wakes up, after eating, or when they start to act too “pissy,” these indicators mean that you should take them outside. Nighttime is typically when the problems start.

Puppy toilet training requires more labor and more sleepless nights. But it’s ultimately worth the effort when you’ve got a dog who constantly relieves himself outside. Yet, many pet owners still ask if I should wake my puppy up to pee at night.

Should I Wake My Puppy Up to Pee at Night?

Yes, it would be best if you woke up a sleeping puppy to have him go potty at night because this will significantly affect the toilet training. What does it mean? Waking up your sleeping dog may be painful, but it is worth the wait in the long run to prevent accidents.

The readiness for using the crate as a secure place throughout the day depends on your ability to teach your pup not to litter his sleeping area. It may not be your objective to let your dog develop the habit of peeing in his sleeping hub regardless if you remove the crate for the whole day or not.

white puppy sleeping on wooden floorThe goal of preventing urinating on their sleeping area comes naturally from most pups. However, in this matter, some puppies are more resilient in taking all reasonable precautions than others. Putting your dog back to sleep after waking him up at night to go potty could be more challenging. The action applies valid in all circumstances, but it will be worthwhile.

It is highly crucial to take your dog outside for pee breaks in a quiet manner. Be there until your pup finished his business, and then take him back while trying to keep things quiet. Don’t worry; nothing wrong will happen to your puppy if you wake him up to go potty. Your pet will wake up for a few minutes.

In case you notice that your pup performs well with potty training, the best thing that you can do is not to disturb their sleep pattern too frequently. It will benefit both you and your pup.

Puppy Age Matters

Your puppy will probably need to be awakened at night to go outdoors the younger he is.

The dog is still developing the ability to contain his tiny bladder. If your pup is relatively young, don’t expect him to carry it for very long; as he gets bigger, he’ll be capable of holding it for longer.

Nevertheless, be careful to establish frequent interval alarms for the night. Take your dog outside calmly and quietly. When he’s finished, put him directly back into his box for bed without stirring him up!

Are Accidents Happening Often?

Yes, accidents will happen most of the time! However, usual peeing in dogs may result from various reasons. Sometimes, it may be linked to an underlying health problem or a more serious concern.

The severity of your dog’s excessive urination will depend on what’s causing it. A swollen bladder and blockage are significant disorders that need immediate treatment. If your dog has a urinary tract infection causing frequent urination, the symptoms should go away relatively fast after treatment.

Puppy Pee Pads

Teaching your puppy about potty training requires different methods. One of these is the use of pee pads. More so, pee pads or puppy pads are also beneficial in the way that it helps your pup discover that they can reduce the number of accidents they have. Yet, you need to exert extra planning from your end if you opt to use this potty training method.

The puppy pads aim to permit the pup to urinate everywhere they choose. Aside from that, this transitional step for a puppy seeks to educate them only to urinate outside. In case you are doing crate training, setting up a piece of cage or playpen for dogs decorated with absorbent mats is advantageous. It helps to reduce the mess caused by little accidents.

How Often Should I Wake My Puppy To Pee At Night?

Whether your puppy is awake or asleep, you should typically schedule 2-3 pee breaks within the first couple of weeks of ownership. Adjustments can be made on your end depending on whether your puppy went potty at night.

It is better to adhere to your regimen for a few days, even if your dog only uses the bathroom occasionally or reluctantly. Aside from ensuring that your dog’s toilet habits remain consistent, you can also guarantee that housebreaking your puppy won’t be a problem.

Well, following the natural cycle of your pup and modifying its bathroom breaks accordingly is much better as every dog is different from the other. Some puppies require four nighttime pee breaks, while the others find it sufficient to break for about 1 or 2.

Different factors have a significant impact in terms of your pup’s potty break. It generally includes the tiredness level of the puppy, the amount and the time they drank, and the breeder’s previous action concerning potty training. All of these significantly influence the frequency of potty breaks your pup should have at night.

Why You Shouldn’t Wake Your Puppy Up to Potty at Night?

black and white dog sleeping on the couchThe dog’s all-night sleeping habit without waking them up is a big help in establishing an internal pattern for potty break and bedtime. That’s one of the reasons why you should not wake your pup to pee during nighttime. Moreover, establish a suitable plan based on the dog’s early age because these four-legged animals are habitual creatures that significantly depend on routines.

If your objective for regularly waking them up for hours is to check if they require a bathroom break, their physical and mental state will conform to that pattern. This is in contrast to the time frame of their sleeping habit over the night.

How To Train Your Puppy Not Pee At Night?

You must be ready to assist your animal companion in making it over the night without experiencing any mishaps. Try to bring and prepare the following elements:

  • Alarm – this will assist you in establishing a strict routine
  • Crate – considered as a haven for your pup, this container will help to prevent having sly floor urine
  • Cleaning supplies – purchase an enzyme-based cleaner, a product formulated to eradicate the pup’s urine

In order to make it easier for you and your pup to get a good night’s sleep, you must adhere to the steps and proper procedure regarding puppy potty training at night. Don’t panic if you see your dog peeing indoors if you catch them in action. Give a resounding “no!” while clapping your hands, then walk the dog outside.

Set a Strict Schedule for Your Puppy

Going for a puppy nighttime break highly depends on the age of your Fido. For instance, you need to take one journey for half an hour at night for puppies aging four months old and below. Moreover, another trip a bit later is possible for some puppies.

With that, you must establish a modest alarm 4 to 5 hours after your pet sleeps. Even if you disagree, that is what they are demanding when they rouse you up during the middle of the night, ensure that you bring your pup outside.

Limit Drinking And Eating Before Bed Time

two puppies sleeping on a water bowlYou must keep in mind that your dog has to have fresh water available all day long. Your puppy will remain content and healthy with the proper hydration. Offering your pup water too late evening, however, merely gives him a chance to empty his bladder. 

Naturally, this will result in you having to get him outside for bathroom breaks more regularly. The best action is to remove your puppy’s water bowl one hour or more before you retire to bed. When you do this, you’ll probably discover that it’s much simpler for you to sleep through the night. Aside from that, your puppy’s weight will also benefit from this.

Learn Puppy’s Bladder Limits

Knowing the bladder limit of your puppy is crucial. Keep in mind that puppies cannot control their bladder. But, once they reach the age of 16 weeks, they can already do so. 

To know how long your pup will be able to retain its bladder, expect that he will be able to do that for an amount of time corresponding to his age in months and add up one. It means that 3 hours is the maximum time an 8-week-old dog could retain his bladder.

Your puppy should be capable of retaining his bladder over the night after reaching about four months. The most crucial thing to remember is that you, not your puppy, should be the first to wake up.

Make Puppy Go Pee Before Bed Time

If you think your job is done after removing your puppy’s water bowl an hour or so before bed, you’re wrong! During this moment, the puppy’s body is presumably still breaking down food and fluids. With that, it is crucial to let your puppy out before you go to bed. That is a great way to give him a sound sleep all night.

At What Age Will My Puppy Sleep Through The Night?

Even though each puppy is unique, most sleep over the night by four months or 16 weeks old. Here’s the good news! You can make your pup sleep as soon as you want by offering proactive training plus providing a bit of your assistance and perseverance.

By the time they are ten weeks old, some pups can sleep through the night more soundly. However, nighttime pee breaks are still a requirement. So, it would help if you still let them until they are 15 weeks old.

Should Puppy Pee Right After Waking Up?

No, puppies do not pee immediately after waking up. However, in instances like these, staying for about 10 to 15 minutes is good to wait for him to pee.

One of the best indicators for you to queue up the next time is if you wait a particular amount of time during the last potty training in which your dog doesn’t go. Then, you take him back inside the house, then he has an accident.

Do I Have To Make My Puppy Pee During the Day As Well?

Well, the answer is yes! Please remember that pups typically need to go outside 3 to 5 times a day to have a chance to empty their bladder. In contrast, adult dogs need not wait more than 6 to 8 hours between each outside trip to pee.

What About Border Collie Puppy?

black and white BC on a basinIt would be best to take your Border Collie puppy outside at least once every night to prevent minor accidents. Let your Border Collie pup know it is time to go potty and not play by letting him lead the line.

Yet, the Border pup will quickly tell you he needs to pee outside if you do not get out of bed to take him for a nighttime break. The Border Collie puppy will alarm you by making loud howls that it has to go potty.

It will be easier for you to distinguish the Border Collie’s call for help and a plea for attention. The puppy may pee inside the house if you don’t reply to your Border Collie’s call for help.


Waking your puppy at night for potty training is crucial if you want a great deal of experience. Don’t worry, as you will only need to get up twice during the night for the first couple weeks. Perhaps, as the puppy matures, his bladder capacity will increase. Similar to any other doggy training task, perseverance and patience are keys to providing successful toilet training at night.

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